Case Study

Streamlining an MGA's Lead Creation Process.

This MGA was faced with a tedious task - managing a new agency registration form on their website, consisting of more than 50 fields. When a new submission was received via email, they had to manually create a new lead in their CRM. This process involved copying and pasting each field from the email into the CRM, as well as downloading and uploading the attached files. This not only consumed significant time but also introduced the potential for human error.

Recognizing the need for a more efficient approach, we developed an automation that seamlessly integrated with the the existing website form. It required no changes to their website, ensuring a smooth transition.

Key Features of the Automation Solution:
Automated Lead Creation
The first step of the automation process involved the automatic creation of a new lead in the CRM system as soon as a new submission was received.
Data Population
With the automation in place, the system ensured that all fields from the submitted form were accurately populated in the new lead record within the CRM. This ensured that crucial information was captured without any human intervention.
File Attachment Handling
The automation also addressed the challenge of handling attached files. It automatically downloaded any attached files from the email and seamlessly uploaded them into the corresponding lead record.
Custom Notifications
To enhance communication within the MGA, custom notifications were configured as part of the automation solution. These notifications alerted the relevant department through Microsoft Teams of the new lead along with the key fields.

The implementation of this automation solution led to significant improvements in the MGA's lead creation process.

Here are some of the key benefits:


Time Savings

The previously time-consuming, manual process was transformed into a near-instantaneous procedure. New leads were created and populated with all the necessary information and attachments within seconds, enhancing operational efficiency.


Error Reduction

Automation eliminated the potential for data entry errors, ensuring that all information was accurately transferred from the submissions to the CRM system.


Streamlined Workflow

The automated process streamlined the workflow, allowing the MGA's team to focus on more value-added tasks rather than tedious data entry and file management.


Improved Communication

Custom notifications via Microsoft Teams ensured that the relevant department was promptly informed of new leads, promoting collaboration and responsiveness within the organization.

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