Case Study

Automating Broker Onboarding Process.

The Context
In the ever-evolving landscape of insurance, Managing General Agents face the constant challenge of efficiently onboarding new brokers onto their platforms.

Traditionally, the admin team at our client's MGA was burdened with a time-consuming process every time a new broker was brought on board. The process involved manually sending personalized emails with login details to each staff member at the new Broker after already creating their accounts in the system. This not only consumed valuable time but also led to repetitive and tedious tasks for the admin team.

The Challenge
For every new broker, the admin team had to follow a series of manual steps for each staff member:

- Create new email
- Enter the email address
- CC in the admin email address
- Insert a signature which was used to prefill the 'Sign up' email format
- Insert the staff member's name in the greeting
- Insert the staff member's username

This process was not only labor-intensive but also prone to errors, and the team found themselves spending excessive time on repetitive tasks that could have been better utilized elsewhere.

The Solution
Recognizing the need for efficiency and optimization, our team proposed an automation solution to streamline the onboarding process for new brokers. The goal was to eliminate the manual steps involved in sending login details to each staff member.

The Automation Process
We developed a custom automation that integrated seamlessly with the MGA's systems. The new process involves the following steps:


Data Entry in Spreadsheet

The admin team simply pastes the list of email addresses and corresponding names into a spreadsheet which they already received from the Broker.


Trigger Automation

Once the spreadsheet is populated, the team would trigger the automation tool. This initiates the process of sending personalized emails to each staff member.


Automated Email Generation

The tool automatically generates emails for each staff member, using an identical format as the original, along with the admin email CC'd in and the staff member's name and username pre populated.


Email Dispatch

The automation then dispatches the emails to the respective staff members, ensuring that each email contains accurate and personalized information.

The implementation of the automation tool yielded significant improvements in the broker onboarding process:

Time Efficiency
The time required for onboarding each broker was drastically reduced, allowing the admin team to focus on more strategic tasks.
Reduced Errors
The automation minimized the chances of errors associated with manual data entry and email composition, enhancing overall accuracy.
Employee Satisfaction
By eliminating repetitive and tedious tasks, the admin team experienced increased job satisfaction and motivation.
The automated process is scalable, accommodating an increasing number of brokers and their staff without proportional increases in workload.

The successful implementation of automation not only streamlined the onboarding process for new brokers, but also demonstrated the potential for increased efficiency and employee satisfaction within the MGA's administrative team.

This case study serves as an example of how embracing automation can lead to positive outcomes in terms of time savings, accuracy, and overall operational effectiveness.

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