Case Study

How we saved a Broker 30+ hours of work a week and £30,000 per year.

A Broker we worked with previously relied on manual, time-consuming processes for following up on policies and quotations that required further action. Staff were manually sending follow-up emails throughout the day. This was inefficient and often resulted in overlooked or late communications with clients.

As part of our solution, we created an automated email follow-up system. This contacted customers about their current policies/quotations based on criteria provided by the Broker. This included:  


Quotation Follow-Up

Requests action from a client if they want to proceed with converting a quote when it's been a week since the quotation date.


Renewal Reminder

Provides a one week and 2 day notice of upcoming renewals and offers assistance for getting the renewal in order.


Lapsed Policy Notice

Reminds customers they need to provide additional information to the underwriting team to progress a referred quotation.


Referral Reminder

Reminds customers they need to provide additional information to the underwriting team to progress a referred quotation.

So overall auto follow-up emails improved efficiency, customer experience, and policy conversion/retention through timely and systematic communications.

Additionally, it reduced the time staff spent manually sending reminders and follow-up emails. This freed up resources for more high-value tasks while increasing organization and compliance.

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