Case Study

Tracking KPIs and SLAs for Underwriters.

The Challenge
This Broker faced a significant challenge in monitoring the performance of their Underwriters, particularly in tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and service level agreements (SLAs).

The existing process required manual intervention, where the team had to delve into each policy to determine the dates of referral (whether it be a Quote, MTA, or Renewal Invite) and the subsequent actions taken by the responsible Underwriter.

The initial attempt to address this challenge involved Underwriters manually logging each referral in a spreadsheet, which proved to be time-consuming and diverted their focus from core responsibilities.

The Solution
Our recommended solution involved the creation of a comprehensive Dashboard that would streamline the tracking of Underwriters' KPIs and SLAs.

Rather than relying on manual data entry, the Dashboard was designed to automatically extract pertinent information from the system Database.

This internal build allowed for a seamless integration within the organization, offering accessibility to the dashboard, data, and features exclusively to authorized personnel.

The Results


Instant Performance Assessment

Team Leaders gained the ability to swiftly assess the performance of individual Underwriters or teams with just a few clicks.


Advanced Analytics with Custom Calculations

The Dashboard included custom calculations that were beyond the capabilities of the existing system, providing insights into average response times for referrals, time taken for the first response, SLA targets and other crucial metrics.


Dynamic Target Management

The flexibility of the Dashboard allowed Team Leaders to set and update individual and team targets, adapting to evolving business needs.


Efficiency Through Automation

The streamlined process enabled by the Dashboard translated into significant time savings for both Team Leaders and Underwriters. The automated extraction of data eliminated the need for manual data entry, allowing the team to focus on their core responsibilities.

The Conclusion
The Dashboard not only provided an accurate SLA reading for the time taken to respond to referrals but also facilitated the tracking of KPIs for both individuals and teams. This improved efficiency across the board, empowering Team Leaders with actionable insights for informed decision-making.

In conclusion, the implementation of the Dashboard not only addressed the initial challenge but also elevated the Broker's ability to monitor, assess, and enhance the performance of their Underwriters effectively.

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