Case Study

How we helped an Insurance Consultant enhance his Customer Journey & provide 24/7 Support to website visitors.

We recently had the pleasure of working with an insurance consultant who was looking to lead by example and demonstrate the art of the possible with AI. As he is also an advocate for business transformation and digital change, implementing AI seemed like the correct move going forward.

So to start off, we thought introducing a conversational AI assistant (Mat) for his website was a great idea.

The mains goals were:



Help current and future customers easily find information and insights they need.



Enhance the overall customer journey.



Provide real-time, 24/7 support to website visitors.



Make content and thought leadership easily accessible through natural questions.

Mat also captures information from visitors and inputs it into a CRM (Hubspot in this case). This could also trigger personalised follow-up emails to be sent, keeping communication flowing - may be developed in the future, we’ll see if it’s needed.

Although Mat was just recently launched without promotion, analytics show improved engagement metrics already. We’ve also come up with new ideas and identified opportunities to further enhance digital presence. We will continue to work on developing these over the coming months.

Key Learnings that can benefit other business looking into AI:

Taking those first steps into using AI are much easier than you may think, especially when leveraging existing quality content Work with experts who can:
-Draw out your vision and ambitions for AI
-Challenge your thinking around the possibilities of AI
-Bring it to life quickly (Which is what we did here)

AI can blend digital and human interactions to augment customer experiences.

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